Cora Jenness-Symes : Writing

parts of song 2

parts of song 2

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

Don't break even I am still alive just praying to a god that I don't believe in.Somebody I used to know. You cut me out. you treat me like a stranger...
what teachers think they can do

what teachers think they can do

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

Teachers think they know what's best for us kids but they don't because some people like Dainel Young and jared gonzales and i are kid of alike becaus..
people i have treated

people i have treated

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

the people that I have treated they are now asking themselves why they got started with me in the first place and I want to know why too.and I might k..
what guys think they can do

what guys think they can do

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

guys think that they can add you and then talk to you and then stop and it's not fair to the other person and it's truly be because they don't want to..
step to find the right guy

step to find the right guy

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

How to pick to right guy1. when you know the guy is the right one for you2.when you can tell him a secret3. when the guy is not afraid to get to close..
parts of songs

parts of songs

A Poem by Cora Jenness-Symes

You say im crazy because you think im not the only one.stay with me these night don't seam to go well i know itsnot a good look oh wont you stay with ..
days at school

days at school

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

days at school are ruff but then get smooth and then you will love or like your school and if you hate school life is hell
days after jail

days after jail

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

days after getting out of jail. life starts of feeling like hell but as the days go on its like you didn't go to jail and a lot of my family thought t..
a cat finding its new home and then left out side

a cat finding its new home and then left out side

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

one day myneighbors crossed the road they might have beenneglectinga cat because one of the cats came to my house and sat outside and ate cat food and..
what jail is like

what jail is like

A Story by Cora Jenness-Symes

jail is not the place to be at all if i were you don't go to the point that you are in jail. its not a good u don't get to sleep in you have to get up..