Cope Hayden

Cope Hayden


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Ehrhardt, SC
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About Me

Not much to speak of here. I am 23 years old, can't catch a break with my fiction. I prefer to write fiction about the lowcountry area of South Carolina. I also write science fiction and sci-fantasy. Please if you like any of my stories/poems let me know it always helps to get positive and negative feedback!

I like listening to Thomas Newman, Paul VanDyke, Marshall Tucker Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and classical cello and violin music while i write.

Sorry i'm not into the whole third-person bio thing.

I am more accessible on Facebook than I am on Myspace. Just search my name... there arn't many Cope Haydens out there.

Aim = CopeH1984


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the close reading of 'Some Days are Like This'. I am really grateful. I hadn't noticed the two loathes. I have changed this and the metal seat part.

While I imagine that there are parts of the States where racism is worse than in Britain it still raises its ugly head. A couple of years ago a young teenage lad was killed with an axe in Liverpool in an unprovoked attack. But I guess racism happens everywhere. It was on the news today that the British Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton was the victim of racial abuse in Spain.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, but come on now. First I wasn't trying to gross anyone out. As you can see by the other comments that women made I wasn't gross at all and could've gone much furuther. Second nothing for you to relate to? I've read writing by men about what its like to go to war or other experiences that are pretty much to be considered male ones and I've always found something to relate to.

We are all human beings first before anything else and should be able to relate to each other as such.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there, long time no see.

Good to hear from you. I haven't been writing that much lately. Been working on other projects. Chomping at the bit to get back to writing though.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment could you read
Miss Misunderstood
A Poem by Bubo

Thank you!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment
A Midwinter Day
A Poem by Bubo


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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a mo could you please read
Sinking Arteries
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Ah, okayyy...yeah, it works as well for art, which nowadays is technically consumer goods in many cases.
Thanks for explaining it to me.
It's an intriguing satire nonetheless.

Maybe a tiny hint in the 'notes' box? It'd be a shame for everyone to miss the meaning.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow that was a harsh review. My work isn't for everyone and that's ok. I write for therapeutic purposes, not to entertain the masses. Sorry you didn't like it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, thanks for the review, and the constructive comments. It is always hardest to read your own work with a critical eye. I guess that's why places like this are so helpful!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the review of "Momma Dee."

Good to hear from you again :)