Afternoon rain: something all-knowing;
I speak for all when I call myself
well-acquainted with your being.
Here is something truly ..
wakes up in March. There was
another before you. Walks like
an overacted portrayal of an army
man might walk if you could
What is the truth?
The truth is that we cannot fly.
This is the first truth, a primary
establishment of some limitation,
Remember that you did not deserve to wake upin a bed other than your own, and saunter awayplacid and proud, like a dog who has succeededin scaring awa..
here is the truth:
I am leaving soon. Nine days?
ten? It makes no difference in
the end.
This is not to say that I am to
be gon..
I firmly believe in the notionthat melody and lyric share a special bond.Ambiguity finds its root in the place wherethe nature of this ..
I live out the days when we are togetherliving not based on how we came togetherbut insteadbased on how we remember we came together:dangerous, magica..
This is mostly to say thatthis room was empty when I first arrived.Now the bed is pushed against the backof my desk, to which my dresser i..
Rock steady, rock steady:Breathing; love-bearers become heavy -break the levee, break the leveeYour heart, hands, mouth, becomes-all;becomes-you, beco..