Cole Spire : Writing

No More Sorrow

No More Sorrow

A Poem by Cole Spire

No More Sorrow By Matthew S. Van Hove "No good deed goes unpunnished" Isn't that what they all say? How can this all be true? How c..
Pools of Ebony Excerpt #2

Pools of Ebony Excerpt #2

A Story by Cole Spire

This is an excerpt from earlier on in the book. A fitting intro to one of the antagonists by the name of Kenneth Kain. It is a little long, just be wa..
Shiver in my spine

Shiver in my spine

A Poem by Cole Spire

I don't understand any more.
Behind Mine Eyes

Behind Mine Eyes

A Poem by Cole Spire

Behind Mine Eyes By Matthew S. Van Hove All you see is the blue in my eyes, The smile on my face, The glow to my cheeks. But you don't read..
Too Many Late Nights

Too Many Late Nights

A Poem by Cole Spire

What Happens to me when i am up too late too many nights in a row.
Pools of Ebony Excerpt

Pools of Ebony Excerpt

A Story by Cole Spire

Alright, this is a short excerpt that i would like some input on. Please feel free to critique.
Memo's from the Desk Of Matthew S. Van Hove

Memo\'s from the Desk Of Matthew S. Van Hove

A Book by Cole Spire

This is a journal I will be keeping. A public Journal talking about things on my mind.
Am I Cole Spire or is Cole Spire Me?

Am I Cole Spire or is Cole Spire Me?

A Book by Cole Spire

This is a type of Journal. I will be writing about life events that have happened to me and things like to that to try and help myself as well as othe..
August 2nd 1981

August 2nd 1981

A Chapter by Cole Spire

The beginning
Devil's Night (work In Progress)

Devil\'s Night (work In Progress)

A Story by Cole Spire

When a science lab explodes it releases a gas cloud that has unsavory effect on the rural towns nearby. Two people now have to go in and fix the probl..