So you have a problem with squirrels? NO PROBLEM! with my new book: "squirrel talk" I can teach YOU how to speak squirrel! Now you'll be able to understand anything squirrels says for only $9.99 plus shipping and handling! The squirrel book! It can be yours today! Call 1-800-Help-Me-Speak-Squirrel!
Squirrel talk* satisfies ALL needs! #TheWorldsProblemsHaveBeenSolved #IAmASavior
*(side affects include nut craving, tail growth, chattering, and a weird urge to climb trees)
Hey where have you been Cole? I hope you haven't given up on writing!!! Lol.... Anyways just wanted to make my rounds and say hi to you all! Enjoy school.... And get your homework done hahahaha! (cringe- I actually said that????) well I am a major hypocrite then cuz haha I don't get any of mine done..... Eekkkkk!!! Ah well! Ou revoir lucky charms! (there's your official nickname) bye bye!
-your favorite friend who's afraid of catmasked men.... Jkkkkkkkk