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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

"The sky is infinite, but my wings will fill the expanse."


My motto: "If it floats your boat, I don't want to sink your ship."

Stop pondering life, and just live it. We don't know anything, and there's a reason for that.

I like Bohemian clothes, but I don't have the guts to wear them.

I snack on a lot of strange things (onions, capers, etc.)

I am ruled by music and lyrics.

People who whine and do nothing annoy me.

I love comedy.

Oolong tea is amazing.

In Living Color and SNL are funny.

My celebrity crush is Kevin Matisyn. A cookie to those who know who he is.

I believe in a thing called love.

I wonder what solitary confinement would be like.

I'm interested in everything. I have an insatiable curiosity.

I'd really like to fly some day. With wings. That'd be awesome.

I like singing. And I don't care if I'm bad at it.

I have a superiority complex sometimes. But then again, who doesn't?

Mitch Hedberg is my idol.

I'd like to go to Carnegie Mellon. The chances of that are hopefully high.

I hate it when people say 'no offense' after they've said something offensive.

Since a lot of people put their background, I believe I should add a little something about myself. I'm a sophomore in highschool who has been writing since I learned English. I love creating things: words, sentences, phrases, and most of all, stories. I read whenever I can, and it seems that there are so many books that I can never get to. My imagination is quite large, and you can often find me in a daze (or being loud and singing). I get inspiration from everything. Ideas hit me from literally nowhere. I like to write the truth, even though there are deeper truths that I can't seem to work up.

I've recently become atheist after growing up Christian. It's my own choice because I can't seem to accept God as an actual facet in my life. I don't believe there is a greater power and find it foolish that so many wars were fought over religion. I'd rather stay away from things that can become easily corrupt, and religion is a tool for hypocrites. That doesn't mean I'm a horrible person with no morals, it just means I don't believe in God. However, I respect people and their religions and love learing about them.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

oh my you are the talkative how are you...hugs

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos MERRY CHRISTMAS Pictures, Images and Photos merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh M...where are you...havent heard from you is so long that ...hmmm...are you ok????????

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Posted 15 Years Ago, it has been everyone's computer as a matter of fact....not just you....

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Posted 15 Years Ago

LOL dudette! It's crazy. i was adding random peeps and like every other one was from TN lol. freeeeaaakkyyyy

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I know what you mean about rewriting your novel!!!!! I'm in that process right now. The good news is, it's becoming something that I'm actually proud of. The bad news is, it's not coming easily. Good luck to you. Send me a request if you're so inclined.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thanx for the review :-)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

oh, not a whole lot, but i was thinking you should enter my contest, Anything, your a very good writer and would have a good chance of winning. anyway how are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago
