Clare Loughrain

Clare Loughrain


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About Me

My name's Clare Loughrain first thing you should know about me is that I'm obsessed with American History. I find it extremely fascinating! My main interest is the American Revolution. I have tons of books on that time period. I also like the WWII era into the 1950s (the music was the best then) I often feel as if I don't belong in this day in age. And I'm way too old fashion in my thinking. My favorite book is "Gone With the Wind" the writing style is so beautiful i just love it! I'm more an avid reader than an avid writer but I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Stories are my strong point though I've never really got to finish a lot of them. But I've finally decided to stick with one and attempt to actually complete it! Maybe I'll post a few chapters later on. But as for my other writings we'll I'll see if i want to withstand the embarrassment and put up some of the stories I wrote when I was younger.

Favortie Quotes:
"I know no way of judging the future but by the past." -Patrick Henry-
"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." -Benjamin Franklin-



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Posted 14 Years Ago

Write something! lol
Love you!