Alicia Isabella Lane : Writing

Do I Accept ?

Do I Accept ?

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

I have no explanation for why my soul seeks your presence I know more than to fall down these paths you lay before me Yet something in your soul ..
Beautiful Wanderer

Beautiful Wanderer

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

My tribute to John, Paul, Jim and the beautiful wanderer
Blood And Oil

Blood And Oil

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

Tongue pierced truth of prophesy Hark! What eyes are these that weeping Offer insight into senseless bloodshed Bloodshot upon superficial princ..
A Loss For Words

A Loss For Words

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

My words have fallen away The last of my trusted relics Lay lifelessly within my thoughts Betraying me with their refusal This silence proving t..
A Love Unreciprocated

A Love Unreciprocated

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

In the darkness my heart beats Through this hollowness you left behind And these tears are evidence of your denial The unspoken understanding tha..
Fancy Fleeting

Fancy Fleeting

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

As I awake to brush this sleep from my eyes, The taste of loving you still remains vividly upon my tongue I stretch my arms above me Attempting t..


A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

Drifting past the illusionary grasp To reach within the tangible element ahead Opening to its essence So that its wonder may gather and transfo..
A Night With Solitude

A Night With Solitude

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

I remember praying for your existence When my world was caved of chaos How I welcomed your arrival Your silence calmed the rage of my inner s..
Walking Away From You

Walking Away From You

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

My dreams scatter upon the wind As I step out into the briskness of night Leaving the memories of you behind Under the streetlamp’s jaund..
Goodnight Baby, Goodnight

Goodnight Baby, Goodnight

A Poem by Alicia Isabella Lane

“Goodnight baby,” echoes past the receivers disconnect Severing the spells we weave in the hours before dawn Left with bittersweet longi..