About MeI am a man, a far-left dude, so far left that I claim to be "to the left of you." If you think you may be more left or progressive, just ask me. I'm a European-style Social Democrat which in America is a Progressive. I'm also an atheist. No, they are not connected. My reasoning for politics and lack of religious beliefs are backed by facts
I'm a Buddhist in many, many ways especially philosophically and I don't consider Buddhism a religion at all. It's really practical thinking for living with other humans. This is the 21st century. Act like it. I'm a humanitarian as well as a science geek or nerd. I had my DNA analyzed by the Genographic Project, a long-term project exploring the connections of all humans to each other. They also determine where most of a person's DNA by markers and mutation originated and is concentrated. It's rather cool. The results? My DNA is very concentrated in Scandinavia... it's the haplogroup M253 found in specifically Sweden, western Finland, and Norway. I am an animal lover and vegetarian because of morality and health. My dogs are vegetarians. Being vegetarian means that I eat no meat but I eat cheese and eggs. The morality part is easy. I can't stand to see animals hurt or killed. Vegetarianism is scientifically proven to be healthier and generally more economical and better for the environment. EDUCATION I am a graduate of The Florida State University. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in the majors of Geography, Political Science, and International Affairs... graduating in the 90th percentile of my class, 98th percentile of my majors. |