About Me
It's little old (er, 18 year old) me, with not much to say. I'm sure, like most people who write, my talent has gone by undiscovered by almost everyone. Only my closest friend and sister have ever read parts of my writing. There've been things I've given up on, things I've tried to string along, and things I've began over and over and over but just can't get right.
I wouldn't say I'm a superb writer. I think for my age, where I am, and what I do in life, I'm okay. Considering most of my work has come out of my high school career, I'm fairly okay with how it sounds.
Some things are better than others, though, or at least I think they are, so I want to share them. Whether everyone likes it, or nobody does, I think that's good. The world would be rather tedious if we all liked the same things.
Please feel free to like it, or hate it, or want to burn the words. Writers want to evoke an emotion, and dislike may be easier to create than love.
As for who I am, I think I'll let that remain a mystery. A few facts, to help you understand why I write what I write...
Well, one, I can't spell that well. You'll notice that a lot.
Two, I've never been in a serious relationship. So, of course, I'm still in the mind set that there's someone out there for me, and I write as though perfection happens naturally. That may change one day.
No, there's nothing else, really. :)