Bailey B.

Bailey B.


I have a blog on here now. You can read it if you want :)

Smithfield, NC
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About Me

First, my first name is Christian. But I like to be called by my middle name, Bailey. I'm a Free Will Baptist Christian country girl who loves reading, writing, dancing, and band. I also love Anime; my favorite shows are InuYasha, Vampire Knight, Fruits Basket, and Sailor Moon. My fav. books are The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games series, The Name of This Book is Secret series, Blue Bloods series, Vampire Academy series, Eragon series and the Twilight series. I took dance classes during high school and can do tap, ballet/pointe, lyrical, jazz/hip-hop, and clogging. With band, I did both marching and concert band. In marching, I played the marimba, vibraphone, and other instruments in the front ensemble. In concert band, I played those insturments and flute. I'll listen to pretty much any kind of music, except for screamo and I only listen to a lil bit of rap. My favorite movies are Star Wars, The Hobbit trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hunger Games movies, Avatar, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney movies like The Lion King, and a bunch more. I'm also a gamer girl of sorts lol. Unreal Tournament is my favorite, followed by Call of Duty, Lego Lord of the Rings, and some others. Also, I watch ALOT of YouTube videos. But they are of the people I support on there. I watch Eddsworld, Tomska, MisterEpicMann, and AVByte. Eddsworld is a hilarious and awesome animation series whose creator sadly died of cancer but it is continued on by his friends. Tomska is one of those friends, who's known for his ASDF movies and sketches. MisterEpicMann also does sketches. And the AVByte brothers create awesome musicals. If you have the time, you should go check them out on YouTube. And lastly, these are my favorite TV shows: BBC's Sherlock, Doctor Who, Duck Dynasty, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Pawn Stars(pretty much anything History channel lol), Deadliest Catch, Spongebob, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars(*sniff* Ahsoka....). Anyway if you need to know ANYTHING else lol just ask!
My work so far:
The Soul's Temptation(a short story)
Several Poems
My dragon trilogy:
1. Flames Of War(currently working on)
2. Treacherous Fires(To Be Announced)
3. Dragons of Fate(TBA)

Possible book & sequel I might write:
1. Arthion
2. Return to Arthion(title in question here)
Also check out my first blog where I interview myself! (I got bored, ok? Plus I'm letting you guys ask me any questions you want to on there!)

When insipiration hits is when I mostly write. Plus when I have the time to write. That's why it might take a while for my books. So be patient! =^_^=


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Posted 11 Years Ago


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Posted 11 Years Ago

hi :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Ooohhh exciting:)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey there,How ya been?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Chapters 3-6 are posted on Arms of The Forsaken (Twilight fanfic) just letting you know because you asked me to. Enjoy!! -Maddie

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thx :P

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Ash to Ash has been updated to chapter 11 now :) Just letting you know cuz you asked me to :)

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I have 8 chapters of Ash to Ash up

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Chapter one is up on At 3rd Degree!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Aw, thanks for the review :) Glad you found it interesting ;)