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About Me

Hai! I'm Chris.
I lied. I'm not Chris. Chris is just my internet alias, because my real name is just too weird. I mean, I like it, but it's weird. And it makes everything more personal. When I'm Chris, I can be anybody.
So please, call me Chris.

A little more about me? I'm a fourteen year old aspiring author. Because, I mean, y'know, this is an online writing community, it must have shocked you so that I'm an aspiring author. You never get those in these parts.
Note sarcasm.

So. I'm kind of a music addict; in second thought, not kind of. I love music, and I tend to do everything with either earphones or speakers. Except write, strangely enough; I can't write when there's music on, or any kind of noise. For writing, I need complete silence. Which is kind of difficult to find with two younger siblings and a hyperactive dog.

This is getting rather long, isn't it? I'll stop rambling then, I guess. There's lots more to me, I just can't be bothered typing it all here and now. I think you don't want me to tell you all about me, either. It would be long. VERY long. So let's not make this any longer, eh?