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About Me

MMMM... what to say. Well I am a cancer survivor. I'm married and I love to write. Although my writing is rather sporadic sooo you never know when there will be a new piece..... There have been some definate revelations in my life lately. More than likely there will be some new pieces. Some loving ones and some darker pieces as well hope you enjoy them.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Missed having you guys down for the weekend. But you are both ALWAYS welcome to come hang out anytime you like.

Hope all is well. :^)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey girlie... are you coming with me to my hair appt. tomorrow? I'm calling you tonight.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks for your review of 'spanish poetry' - yeah, i featured that one because it's more ME - the pain i experienced lately forced me to write a lot of painful, desperate, aching poetry== which worked for good writing, but it's a little less hopeful and full of love - which is more like me.

dont know if that made sense. but thank you :)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

I enjoy reading your work as well. Very nice, Christina!

I know, my pieces tend to be dark, but that is how I get the demons out, instead of acting on them, you know? :)

By the way, my hair appt. is on the 6th at 11:30 am!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thank you. oh, the loss... gives us such inspiration, but how i do miss the love.



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Posted 18 Years Ago

Superb work you've posted so far. I'm looking forward to reading any new work you post... I'm patient though. hahahahahahahaah
