Chloe Madison Taylor.

Chloe Madison Taylor.


I'm back after a long time away :)

From a white and blue house in, IL
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Posted 13 Years Ago

how ya been, darlin'?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

not the movie, the band Jawbreaker. great 90's punk band. the whole east bay scene. look up a record of theirs called 24 Hour Revenge Therapy. i swear to god, it will change your life.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

done deal. as an added bonus, if you recognize at least one jawbreaker reference, i will wear a cherry hat on top on the banana suit :)

ya know, speaking of banana suits, there was this kid in baltimore who would go to every show in the md/dc area in a banana suit. The Baltimore Banana. kid was f*****g legend in our little bumfuck punk scene. lol.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

good call on the frank turner influence ;) really nice guy. played in my hometown a few years ago, and i just saw him again with social d.

i use lots of musical influence in my stuff. if you can pick out all of the clash and the replacements references/influence, i will sell you my soul :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thank you so much, doll. you're a kind soul.

i'll be in touch. and i can't wait to read your up and coming stuff :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey homie, you have a facebook?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Posted 15 Years Ago

and thanks for the other review, if you should desire to quote it, don't hesitate to. hopefully it means something to someone else who reads it.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I swear, there's not many other people I'd love to hear those words from, so thank you very, very much. I truly do appreciate that.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

If you could see how glad I am, you'd think "That must be the happiest man on Earth", and you'd be right. I'm a cheap date
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