He was the answer to her questions,And the shoulder she cried onShe was the only one that took his hand,And waited for his storms to passHe looked to ..
When the day burns down
And the power is crashing
The release is the only way out
Just one sweet scratch and its all out
The pain is overcome by t..
In a galaxy far, far away, there is a forest. A big, dark
and scary forest, and in that forest there is a small town named Lollypop Land,
with a pop..
"WHAT!? This is outrageous! Well, we did see this coming, but we allthoughtit would be years from now." Concordia blasted out. He was a frail, old man..
Another one of my newest poems. Enjoy :)
This is one of my newest poems. I hope you enjoy.
I wrote this a while ago with no real meaning at the time but now as I look back on it, it's showing a great importance to something quite close to me..
I wrote this after I broke up with my first boyfriend. I was with him for 3 years. Anyways, I wrote it about my want to get out of the relationship an..
I have absolutely no idea what this one is about...Psycho analyse away! I like to wonder what people think of what I'm like through my poems and stuff..