Philip Gaber : Writing

happiness is...

happiness is...

A Story by Philip Gaber

Another one of those words - like faith - that has become utterly meaningless. Happiness is just another manufactured concept. It's something else the..
let the sun set on this

let the sun set on this

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I heard you when you said you don’t like diamond cluster rings…I heard you when you said grace before we ate our... meal…I..
a man running in orange county

a man running in orange county

A Story by Philip Gaber

1.I got up, dressed, drank coffee, and lit a cigarette.Walked to the bus stop.Boarded the crosstown bus.Sat next to an older woman who smelled like Vi..
forgotten by a departing circus, long ago

forgotten by a departing circus, long ago

A Poem by Philip Gaber

The movie opened with an old clown sitting on a swing, smoking, and sipping from a flask. A young girl approached him cau..
a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

A Poem by Philip Gaber

The paparazzi gathered around me, quoting my facial expressions. I was pleased to see that my furrowed brow did not make the morning..
the tyranny of the majority

the tyranny of the majority

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Well, the rent is late and now I'm joined by the glowering mice who feel more entitled to this apartment than me.
looking more and more threadbare

looking more and more threadbare

A Story by Philip Gaber

I was trying to stay on my hustle by working for this company that paid me to hold up a sign on the side of the road: “Store Closing! Liquidatio..
battered by the elements

battered by the elements

A Poem by Philip Gaber

She handed me a scotch glass and asked if I wanted a little water in it.“No,” I said.She lifted the short hairs above her eyes and was abo..
Well-Couched And Well-Protected

Well-Couched And Well-Protected

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Always the onlooker, always outside,borrowing laughs and sudden gestures,the droop of sadness.People were his food, and he ate them up hungrily.His ap..
It’s Not What You Write – It’s What You Don’t Write

It’s Not What You Write – It’s W..

A Stage Play by Philip Gaber

[Bill is called into his manager's office] Ed Bill, let’s get down to brass tacks. Bill: I've never liked that expression..