Philip Gaber : Writing

my bohemian life in brooklyn

my bohemian life in brooklyn

A Story by Philip Gaber

Penniless theater major chain-smokes cigarillos and extinguishes them in a can of Red Bull, tightens her arms around her torso, making sure too much o..
no help in truth

no help in truth

A Story by Philip Gaber

My mom calls me.“How are you?” she says.“Fine,” I say. “Are you meeting anyone?”“I meet people everywhere I ..
 “No Tenderness in da 'Hood”

“No Tenderness in da 'Hood”

A Poem by Philip Gaber

If MGM ever tried to adapt my life into a movie, they'd have to call it "No Tenderness in da 'Hood."Because I'm an American Poet, see.And that says a ..
anthem of a poignant reality

anthem of a poignant reality

A Story by Philip Gaber

There are days when all those secrets and issues come back to me like an extended, slow, acid flashback.There was something boldly experimental and od..
she's alone but chemically balanced

she's alone but chemically balanced

A Poem by Philip Gaber

See her there. Looking very ill-at-ease. Don’t know why. Maybe because she isn’t happy with her makeup. Perhaps because she’s menstr..
it's about removing the layers

it's about removing the layers

A Story by Philip Gaber

 I did a few things differently this last Thanksgiving. First of all, I shaved. I also put the store-bought chocolate pecan pie into a glass pi..
it doesn’t get any easier, even if you keep a straight face

it doesn’t get any easier, even if you keep a st..

A Poem by Philip Gaber

The Wrong Rev wore a Dacron shirt,and began the eulogy by kissing astatue of the Buddha.“Brothers and sisters,” he said.“The lonely,..
vitamins for shaky fingers 

vitamins for shaky fingers 

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I wrote carelessly, forgetting all I’d learned from “Elements of Style.”Penned a short story about thugs that were drunk on luck and..
days of yawm

days of yawm

A Story by Philip Gaber

My old man had dragged me to Yom Kippur services.Which was cool because I got to take the day off from school."The self-appointed big-mouth of the syn..
the subtleties have yet to flesh themselves out

the subtleties have yet to flesh themselves out

A Story by Philip Gaber

Jonny came marching home from Iraq, armed with a bottle of Chivas Regal and a gun, the same day Sally was released from rehab.When Jonny arrived at Sa..