Philip Gaber : Writing

a chronological complicated story

a chronological complicated story

A Story by Philip Gaber

One morning, Jenny and I were lounging around (I think it was a Saturday because Bugs Bunny cartoons were on), and she started talking all serious and..
where nothing else was growing

where nothing else was growing

A Story by Philip Gaber

It was 1978.They all wanted to knowwhy I sat around drawing picturesof aliensandspaceshipsandreadingR. Crumb comics instead of studyingor making frien..
this bewailing cry

this bewailing cry

A Story by Philip Gaber

Phone rings; somebody on the other end wants to know when I’m coming to visit them…I’m so distracted, I mutter, “I haven&rsqu..
she jives by night

she jives by night

A Story by Philip Gaber

Boy: I love you…Girl: I love you, too…I think…Boy: How do you know?Girl: ‘Cuz I feel it…I recalled a distant lover w..
who's sid vicious?

who's sid vicious?

A Story by Philip Gaber

And so our record deal disintegrated right before our eyes, and we went back to playing high school proms and bars with names like Hurl and Fatzos.It ..
 a distillation of the human experience

a distillation of the human experience

A Story by Philip Gaber

 I've ignored some Really Important Life Lessons:1. Embracing your uniqueness at the risk of losing family/friends.2. One person can make a dif..
her sacred atonal life

her sacred atonal life

A Story by Philip Gaber

Mayzie was on stage at a slam competition reading from Isaiah 47. "' And thou saidst, I shall be a lady forever: so that thou dist not lay these thing..
 crises of faith

crises of faith

A Story by Philip Gaber

prologue It's one of thosedays when I wake up at 6 in the morning, look in the mirrorand say, "Lord, help me," before I realize it's Sundayand I don't..
it’s about the fable you want to write about your own life

it’s about the fable you want to write about..

A Story by Philip Gaber

New Year'sDay morning. Turn on the TV. Notoriously melodramatic holiday fare about a deathly dull financier accused of engaging in a series of unlawfu..
fundamental human principles

fundamental human principles

A Story by Philip Gaber

Last weekend, I went to one of those open mikenights where you get upand read your poetry in front of many espresso drinkers.I read a piece about a ch..