Philip Gaber : Writing

very lutheran and very agonized

very lutheran and very agonized

A Poem by Philip Gaber

The music coming from my trumpet was sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek.Ithad been ever since Sheila, the woman I’d been dating for seven years, hade..
something just short of disheveled

something just short of disheveled

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I moved around,here and there,sold mantras on the streetfor a buck seventy-five apiece,tried to become mainstreambut the counterculture wasn’t h..
serious freedom

serious freedom

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Blew into town like a reputable vagrant,with a pack of smokes and afull flask of apple jack and aquarter of a chip still lefton my shoulder.I checked ..


A Poem by Philip Gaber

The joke in those days was that Muriel Fink wasn’t sexy, just alive. Veryfew people ever laughed at that joke.To their credit.One night, a pries..
the trauma caused me to retract

the trauma caused me to retract

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Drinking my wine a little too fast, it suddenly occurred to me that I wasalone, spiritually bankrupt and without anything to eat. Not only that, thewo..
from my own weight

from my own weight

A Poem by Philip Gaber

It’s about not returning the smilesof others or mirroring their enthusiasm.It’s about not extending myself.It’s about refraining fro..
nothing but real

nothing but real

A Poem by Philip Gaber

She was in her chair, secured, sedated, colorless.“This whole thing seems small,”she said softly with her breath,then showed me the crease..
the energy of nothing

the energy of nothing

A Poem by Philip Gaber

We didn’t possess a lot of insight,just a lot of adolescent myopia.We were more metaphysical than our eldersgave us credit for.We embodied somet..
My Twitter Account

My Twitter Account

A Story by Philip Gaber

If you have Twitter account (I never refer to it as X) and would like to share handles me, then we can follow each and make sure each of us knows wher..
wrenched out of some familiar life-pattern

wrenched out of some familiar life-pattern

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I never get the girl I like.I always get the gangly, angry girlwith guileless eyes and stringy hairwho has a tendency toward passivity.Or the gaunt, h..