Philip Gaber : Writing

often lost and forgotten

often lost and forgotten

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Ralph Ellison wrote about the invisible man.But guys like me are invisible, too.Our life’s pace and lack of urgencymake us almost imposs..
a construct, a fallacy, a lie

a construct, a fallacy, a lie

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Do you believe life is eternal?Do you believe Mother Goose wentthrough menopause?Do you realize how expensivelobsters are?Do you fathom a manequippedw..
iI put up some brave fronts in those days

iI put up some brave fronts in those days

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I’d walk into a bar on Sunset Boulevardand look for the nearest w***e.What else was there to do?My self-esteem was lower than Kafka’s.I&rs..
she suffers well

she suffers well

A Poem by Philip Gaber

She was svelte and blond and fromLouisville, Kentucky,6’3” in heels.Within the first 3 minutes ofmeeting me, she announced drilythat Paxil..
our time is up II

our time is up II

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I asked my shrink why my default setting is always, I'm a f*****g loser? Because you haven't chosen to change it to a new setting, he said. Hmm..
our time is up

our time is up

A Poem by Philip Gaber

My psychiatrist asked me to name some things I'm grateful for, but I couldn't answer him. After I sat in silence for about 30 seconds, he said, ..
road kill

road kill

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Did God create the universe? Was it made from nothing? Or did a guy named Schna Schna Schnoozylover just happen to come upon it by the side of the roa..
Emperess Skyvore

Emperess Skyvore

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Woman/Women: Let's see if I can get a rise out of this guy. (She does/they all do) Woman/Women: Oh, I didn't mean that kind of rise, you filth..
her DNA has style

her DNA has style

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Bijou's mascara runs into her worry lines, making her look even more worried than she has before.She has beautiful almond-shaped eyes, very sort of pr..