Philip Gaber : Writing

a very chilled-out experience

a very chilled-out experience

A Poem by Philip Gaber

The room was filled with tattoos, dreds, torn clothing, and stiletto boots.Lotta confusion.Lotta tectonic plate shifting going on.A California Kid mum..
to leave the consideration of the self behind

to leave the consideration of the self behind

A Poem by Philip Gaber

She was into Goth and bloodplay,walked around in black T-shirtsthat said “Wholesale S**t,”admitted to having a jones forthe Osmonds,never ..
the requiem of this man's spirit

the requiem of this man's spirit

A Poem by Philip Gaber

At night I hear the taunting, haunting voices shouting in my sleep. I am atrophying, paralyzed. I think of the inquiring Hamlet, t..
adolescence: below 32°F

adolescence: below 32°F

A Poem by Philip Gaber

A friend of Ernest Hemingway said he was frozen in adolescence. Hemingway retorted, "Perhaps adolescence is not such a bad place to be frozen." Speak..
our absence from life

our absence from life

A Story by Philip Gaber

I was in Penn Station waiting for the train to take me to New Haven… I was sitting alone, away from the crowd, reading something by John Paul S..
our styles just didn't coalesce

our styles just didn't coalesce

A Story by Philip Gaber

I will forever remember that cold morning.I’d just returned from traveling cross-country in a beat-up Chevy on a month-long road trip in a quest..
waspy aversion to introspection

waspy aversion to introspection

A Story by Philip Gaber

Meanwhile, Dr. Feel Alright was examining my neurosis.“I’ve been looking at a lot of internet porn lately,” I said.“I thought ..
i think my life story needs a rewrite

i think my life story needs a rewrite

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I feel the tears behind the curtains of my eyes waiting in the wings for their grand entrance, waiting for their cue, waiting for the ac..
in the now of the now

in the now of the now

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I’m standing on the corner, trying to score something to help me see the gods.My mobile rings, and I look at the caller ID and see it’s th..
she will love you more than any other girl

she will love you more than any other girl

A Poem by Philip Gaber

She was twenty-nine or thirty. One of those women who’d get angry with you if you bought her a gift with a chord attached to it. Who treated a m..