Philip Gaber : Writing

Notes from an Underachiever

Notes from an Underachiever

A Story by Philip Gaber

I’m a writer. At least, that’s what I keep telling people when they ask me what I do. The first question they ask me is, “Are you a..
a distillation of the human experience

a distillation of the human experience

A Story by Philip Gaber

I’ve ignored some Really Important Life Lessons: 1. Embracing your uniqueness at the risk of losing family/friends. 2. One person..
her sacred atonal life

her sacred atonal life

A Story by Philip Gaber

Mayzie was on stage at a slam competition reading from Isaiah 47. “’ And thou saidst, I shall be a lady forever: so that thou..
crises of faith

crises of faith

A Poem by Philip Gaber

prologue It’s one of thosedays when I wake up at 6 in the morning, look in the mirrorand say, “Lord, help me,” before I ..
a dream’s gotta say something or it’s not worth the trouble

a dream’s gotta say something or it’s not wort..

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I went to a shrink. He told me I was half crazy. I asked him for a prescription. He thought about it and gave me one. But when I reached the ..
it’s about the fable you want to write about your own life

it’s about the fable you want to write about you..

A Poem by Philip Gaber

New Year’s Day morning. Turn on the TV. Notoriously melodramatic holiday fare about a deathly dull financier accused of engaging in a series o..
part of the unraveling process

part of the unraveling process

A Poem by Philip Gaber

It seems these days, people are more interestedin talking about themselvesrather than listen to anything, I have to say.Now, maybe that’s becaus..
fundamental human principles

fundamental human principles

A Story by Philip Gaber

Last weekend, I went to one of those open mikenights where you get upand read your poetry in front of many espresso drinkers. I read a piece a..
wait like kafka

wait like kafka

A Story by Philip Gaber

I go to the movies on an empty stomach and on the way back, stop off at Dunkin Donuts, inhale a half dozen doughnuts, then pull into a dingy little ..