Philip Gaber : Writing

an intimate relationship which should never be broken

an intimate relationship which should never be bro..

A Poem by Philip Gaber

My poem is about you.It’s a fiction that unfolds marvelously.Simple and unaffected.Ancient and powerful.Not nihilistic.Or dismal.Or apocalyptic...
the deepest need

the deepest need

A Poem by Philip Gaber

Elijah Fitzgerald was last seen conversing with Myrtle Rucker at that party in Chelsea.“I went through est in 1973,” said Elijah. “D..
part of the unraveling process

part of the unraveling process

A Poem by Philip Gaber

It seems these days, people are more interestedin talking about themselvesthen when listening to anything I have to say.Now, maybe that’s becaus..


A Poem by Philip Gaber

I have spent the majority of my life without female companionship. Some say it's because I'm lazy. Some say it's ..
you just can’t keep track of the turns in the road

you just can’t keep track of the turns in the ro..

A Story by Philip Gaber

 The man with the beard down to his heart roams the hallways of Pine Meadow Elementary School as an Indian leg wrestling tournament takes place..
thorn in the lover

thorn in the lover

A Poem by Philip Gaber

I woke up this morningandthought about what you said the otherday; how you hoped I wouldn’t turn out to be like all those other guys.Like Regina..
 this fully human existential predicament

this fully human existential predicament

A Story by Philip Gaber

 Angus Chitty took an old Underwood typewriter to Washington Square Park, sat down on a mountain cliff, and began typing: The focus had shifted..
so many quiet spots in our lives

so many quiet spots in our lives

A Poem by Philip Gaber

You told me you grew up in a foster home.Fantasized about being adopted by thatanguished young couple you saw in yourbedroom window on that chill New ..


A Poem by Philip Gaber

A flag was raisedand the pope puthis hand to hisforehead.An oldman cried into abouquet of flowersand candles stayedlit on a sidewalk.A young woman kep..
 that well hung-over look

that well hung-over look

A Poem by Philip Gaber

My prose was flaccid, a little crass, lacked clarityand structure.My characters were about as developed as a third-world country, and my analogies wer..