Miserably alone...
Trusting in no-one...
Threatened by many...
Nothing, life is gone,
fire in my eyes,
a blazing fume of uncertainty.
the hole in my chest,
grows more painful than necissary
my life is gone...
being pulled under inch by inch,
without a clue as to where I'm go..
It's black, like night.It's eating away at my heart.It has made me sad.Now I feel as if there is no-one.I used to be so happy,but now it's only sorrow..
So full of love,and suddenly, your love is gone,it's broken.What you thought would be yours forever,is no longer there.You were full of hope,but now y..
The water,
freezing against my pale-white skin,
covers me.
My lungs are full,
not of air.
I can't breathe...
I'm choking.
trying to grab th..
Not there right now,
I'm here
No drama,
just play.
He's not here to cause pain.
I love it here.
Let me live here
let me stay here until I'm..
No-one to talk to.
Even though it's a room full of people.
So left out in the world.
They discriminate
and judge the outsiders.
I'm tired of..
Your kiss tempts me.
Your hands give me chills.
The way you make it all sound
makes me want you now.
I can't help but to think of what could ..
The pain eats at me
and I know not why.
All the lies and horrors
thrown at me
from every direction.
The truth strickens me
into a sudden sho..
Your touch lingers upon my skin.
Your grasp so strong.
Your eyes so precious.
You lightly kiss my lips,
gently brushing yours against mine,