White straight jacket
Pants and shoes to match
Hair lying flat
No make up...
I think about my time as a child
Before the strange things started..
An emotional wreck.
I don't try to do this to you,
I don't mean anything by it.
It happens alot.
I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused,
for a..
Total bullshit.Such a horrible day.I come home to hollaring,but I did nothing wrong.Why do I get treated this way?What did I ever do?Nothing, I never ..
For the ones I love with all my heart
Angelic voices echo inside my mind,
I smile.
A remembrance of what was said,
the mutual feelings building up.
The butterflies in your tummy,
Your voice is amazing,
Like my favorite song.
Your name tastes so sweet,
I'll say it all night long.
Stuck in my head,
That's what you are.
A wonderful feeling,
an emotional touch.
A kiss of all kisses,
a bit of lust.
Something I long for,
a want, a need.
Not enough,
sudden ecstas..
A guy you've known for a long time,
but haven't talked to in a while.
That b***h is the reason.
Y'all start talking again.
You really like him,
Walkingamong the living,
not sure yet if I'm dead.
Silently breathing.
So quiet, I'm not heard.
Can they see me?
I can see myself.
I look ..
This poem is rated mature because of the content. Sorry if you want to read it but can't, message me and I'll send it to your inbox for you to read.