Do emotions have the power to make or break?Or do we stress on them so much, it simply derives it thereon?Are we foolish enough to let them rule and t..
Have you ever fleetingly wonderedWhat silence is all about?Is it like being temporarily deafenedOr a way to get oneself out?I've had silence throughou..
The tears kept streaming downStreaming down my sunken cheekSorrow awash, these eyes speakA confused mind, my thoughts drown.A hollow soul with a deep ..
As a child I always wonderedWhen will the next time soon arrive?The count of days never falteredUntil the second your footsteps came alive.And now, no..
I'm being torn apartApart by thoughts of priorities.They seem to plague my caged heartWhy isn't there free sureties?Enveloped by the ceaseless chaosLe..
What is pain?I asked myself over and over again.Is it physical, mental or emotional?Or simply a concept to forget the unforgettable?What is pain?I ask..
I'm not lonelyThat's where you're mistakenI'm just a person loneBut your belief stands unshaken.There's a thin line of differenceBut your judgement is..
A new beginningA whole new chapter in my bookLike a new turn in a meandering brookTime to move on, the wheels spinning.Liberation, such an unknown fee..
I carry your heartI carry it in my heartA poem, in my mind engravedThat keeps me going through life's charade.It came to me through death's embraceTwi..