Cheryl J. Turner

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Edinburgh, Midlothian, United Kingdom
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About Me

I am a self confessed hopeless romantic and hold not a shred of remorse for it.
I love the idea of love.
Writing, for me, is a release of emotion and a tool of expression.

'The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.' Oscar Wilde


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Posted 13 Years Ago

thank you for your kind words, hon...i'm so pleased at the big steps you are taking...wonderful

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Why are you a little lost

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for your kind and thoughtful review. I hope you have a lovely rest of the weekend.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Irish Blessings to you

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you:
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

that's very kind

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Posted 13 Years Ago

maybe I'm just foolish :)


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the kind review.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Happy New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi Cheryl, thank so much for taking your valuable time
to read and comment, I sincerely appreciate it
and look forward to reading u as well :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol My brother makes the BEST chocolate desserts and I really have to ration eating them because I can indeed eat them til they make me sick lol. Thanks for the review.