About Me
Hello, Where to start? I always have trouble with this part for some reason. So here goes. I am a half breed, yeppers a pure blooded half breed. Through my ancestors I am half Powhatan&Sioux, the other half is made of Gaelic/Welch & Irish...but those who know me will tell you I am just plain ole hardcore Texan. I'm mean enough that Satan shudders every morning when I wake up and put my feet on the floor and says "Damn she's awake".
Religiously speaking I don't fall into any denomination. I believe in God and have the highest regard for Mother Earth, Sister Moon, and Brother Sun. I've been found to speak to the elements, and to myself, and okay so yea I hear voices - but don't all of us who write?
Through the years my Political views have changed greatly. I love my Country passionately...and am an Army Brat. Brought up in a "Union" family, and Southern Baptist. If considered any party I'd relate more to the Conservatives.
I am an Advocate for Children - ages infancy to seventeen. I work with victims of Domestic Violence (Men, women & children).
I have two Associate Degree's which means diddle in the real world. Studied Theology, Criminal Law, Counseling-Psychology & Chemical and Alcohol Addictions, Corporate Banking and Business Management.
Being a Single Mom and raising two sons I worked long hard hours which were gladly given for the best two things in my life.
Worked in Banking, Residential Management, Office Management, Chemical & Alcohol Abuse Counseling. Now I work from home as a Freelance Writer. Am completing a Book Proposal for my first novel "Texas Heat".
Being born a 'baby boomer' I've seen so many things come to pass during the span of my life thus far. Wars, conflicts, the so called 'peace' movement, rebellions, conflicts & strife, joy, laughter, sadness, and grief. Personally experienced the birth of my sons, and the death of my first born, a daughter. My journey has brought me here to this time in my life. I know who I am, and I like me. Adopted the philosophy early on in my life of "Come on and Mess with Me." which worked for and against me at times.
Where I've been is a wondrous thing making where I'm going even more exciting.
I believe in Dragons - I've heard the whisper of their mighty wings on the wind. I believe in inherent goodness of people. I believe we are each given gifts to nurture and fine tune. I believe in living life to the fullest.