Alex : Writing

Essay on Mortality, Ethics, and the Economic Crisis

Essay on Mortality, Ethics, and the Economic Crisi..

A Story by Alex

A paper I had to do for Eng. 102.
There Are Things

There Are Things

A Poem by Alex

There are the things you lose, And there are the things you give away. You can lose your way On a rough and unknown road. You can lose the day ..


A Poem by Alex

Have you ever been lost inside you mind? Or trapped in a memory with ties that bind? Have you ever had the right word on the tip of your tongue, ..
Falling Fast

Falling Fast

A Poem by Alex

I’m the pilot of this flight And baby we’re crashing fast. There are fifty parachutes on this plane And you’re number fifty one. ..
Doomed Drinker

Doomed Drinker

A Poem by Alex

The wine was poisoned. It must’ve been. She had drunk deeply from the cup, Helping herself to more than any glutton would have dreamed of doi..
Do You Love?

Do You Love?

A Story by Alex

"Do you believe in God?" the sing-song voice asked. "No," she replied in a whisper, hands trembling as she picked up the hard m..
The Letter

The Letter

A Poem by Alex

Angry brown billows breaking The sun shines but ceases To penetrate the murky waves below Where no one knows how deep The water goes Where ..
The Pathetic Princess

The Pathetic Princess

A Poem by Alex

A twisted Fairy Tale.
I Lied When I Said I Could Write You Away

I Lied When I Said I Could Write You Away

A Poem by Alex

I know things had been wrong with us for months without me having to be told But my heart froze that night in November when you left me alone in the ..


A Poem by Alex

Secret promises made with locked-lips, tangled in black sheets Listen to the way my heart beats Shallow, shallow. The easy girl let you win; Pre..