Alex : Writing

Love of Lust

Love of Lust

A Poem by Alex

You don’t take the breath out of me It’s just that powerful kiss And those lie lined lips. Baby I don’t love you I love what y..
Three of a Kind Always Beats Two Pair.

Three of a Kind Always Beats Two Pair.

A Poem by Alex

The dice were loaded when we began And even though in the end we knew we’d lose We had never had a better hand, love And there was noth..
Winds of Change

Winds of Change

A Poem by Alex

Part of a blog I wrote.
Better Than The Rest

Better Than The Rest

A Poem by Alex

You smile. We touch, brush. I'm caught in this rush. I laugh, you laugh, And my world is right again. Right then, I know that this...
And Then There Was Peace

And Then There Was Peace

A Story by Alex

This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper -T.S. Eliot- ..
Those Stars

Those Stars

A Poem by Alex

Stars are the candles Winking at us from above That hang in the sky


A Poem by Alex

Looking at the stars When I am alone Is when I'm most accepted And feel like I am home The stars, they see me real With nothing left to hide W..
A Murder, Unnoticed

A Murder, Unnoticed

A Poem by Alex

It was the world that killed me. Society. So cruel, unforgiving. Accepting nothing less than perfection. I was not perfect. I was worthless. Ano..


A Poem by Alex

Give me that bottle Let me drink you in 'Cause babe don't you know You're my favorite poison All of your lies I love to drink them up Even whe..
Shine For Me My Moon

Shine For Me My Moon

A Poem by Alex

The warm saline solution rolls down my face in Uncontrollable waves, Unhindered even by me. Fears and doubts flood the innermost workings of my min..