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Alex : Writing



A Poem by Alex

Slowly the rose blooms Bursting into vibrant life 'Till the petals fall
Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

A Story by Alex

Hand in hand, Death and Immortality walked together through the now silent Valley. They walked for what seemed like decades, then reluctantly began t..
Baby Boy

Baby Boy

A Poem by Alex

Blue baby boy With big blue eyes Tries To look into her eyes. To read between the lines. But it seems he just can't find The right words to say ..
Dear Dear Mother.

Dear Dear Mother.

A Poem by Alex

Nature softly sings to me Her bittersweet lullabies. Mother Earth, she tries To tell her story, Her creation. But it is lost Mid destruction. ..
Empty Eyes

Empty Eyes

A Poem by Alex

Softly she sings sweet somber lullabys. What such sad sorrow in her eyes. She tries To look behind the lies. As her shattered heart cries Asking ..
High School Love 101

High School Love 101

A Poem by Alex

You’re just a kid And I’m just a girl Two crazy people Out to change the world I would write you every word If it would make you ..
A Lifetime Full Of Years.

A Lifetime Full Of Years.

A Poem by Alex

This on-going relationship I can't seem to escape.
Beneath The Skin

Beneath The Skin

A Story by Alex

One-hundred miles between two places doesn’t seem to be that great a distance to most people, but to Tessa it felt like more. To Tessa, it felt..
The Dance

The Dance

A Story by Alex

She sits down on the floor next to the window. All the lights are off, and the few rays of sun penetrating the thick rain clouds give the room ..
Lessons In Fire

Lessons In Fire

A Poem by Alex

Look at us What have we become? Look at my hands What have I done? I want to say I'm sorry But the truth is, I'm not Ask me to do it again An..