Cherrie Palmer : Writing

The Fray

The Fray

A Chapter by Cherrie Palmer

Mary and our closest neighbors have been at odds with each other nine years.I like to call it ‘the battle of the rock.’ I cannot throw m..
Bad Day on Red Rock

Bad Day on Red Rock

A Chapter by Cherrie Palmer

The rumbling bays of Shiner reverberated from the holler, trickling out like water from a spring. His deep-chested bark distinctively his lead the way..
Trouble in the Air

Trouble in the Air

A Chapter by Cherrie Palmer



A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Hard things made right Can lead a man into the light. But when those things are left undone A wayward soul will begin to run. So, look you..
Lover's sleep

Lover's sleep

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Passion high, resistance low. Counting stars from the earth below. Rich red wine calls for more. As mortals dance beneath moon and stars. Sate..


A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

someone make me stop :( so sad . A dollar for anyone who can guess this shape lol


A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

•…… tiny swirlingclouds ……are suddenly beginning to grow,filling quite quickly the valleys below;darkening gray skies..
In Search of you

In Search of you

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

You are there, waiting for me.If only I knew where that might be.Your dreamy eyes make me weak, I can’t wait to see that shade unseen.Your breat..


A Poem by Cherrie Palmer



A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

no never