Cherrie Palmer : Writing

Chi of Life

Chi of Life

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Nestled in the Meadow

Nestled in the Meadow

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

The fullness of night nestled the meadow. The firmament forgot to draw it's drapes, while November's breath kissed the loam with lace. Soon to be..
Lumbering Sun

Lumbering Sun

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

The black road top is wet from rain, and an ashen ridge of clouds creates an overhang. The job of the sun is not yet seen, as he climbs for the..
Silken Delights

Silken Delights

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

alabaster glow circumvents the heated sun for silken delights
Morning Is Here

Morning Is Here

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

This is what happens when you live with your granny. She makes up stuff then sings to you. Sometimes she will even spell at you and say- "Granny..
Ill Wind

Ill Wind

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Autumn's adornment was cast down by an ill wind cause - death by - Winter
Autumn's  Veil

Autumn's Veil

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

tall grassy meadow bedded down an yearling doe veiled in a wheat pall
Is This Love

Is This Love

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Balladeà Moi A unique format with 3 seven or eight-line stanzas and a four line envoi, that repeats the last four rhymes of the penulti..


A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

bucolic passage whispers to the wind skirting-leaves ease along the walkway the wind barks and the trees tremor as the wooden pathway moans beneat..
Tempestuous Garden

Tempestuous Garden

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Choke 9 lines: 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 7