Afar from my sights,thou walk barefoot-ruefully with love on-the vale where thou trod-exasperatingly in the silence of-fiery love like the dreary love..
Thou enfold me-with thy strong -arms in the icy-well of love.Like a heir taken under-thy wings of mossy love-I inherit the heart of gold-in the well o..
Dirt after dirt, it falls onto my- flesh like the sudden- flow of lies polishes- my gracious path bestowed- by my kinsman and kinswoman. Tis rain,and..
In the morn of thy-malevolence,a flashof lightning heralds bloodshedthat falls on thy flesh-with tears of sinful lies.In the morn of thy malevolence,n..
At the zenith of-the heavens,thou art-waning ruefully like-awaned orb flickers-with the gold of bliss-in the silent night-tide.Beneath thee, i walk-in..