Amelia Lunar : Writing

To the 15 year old girl on Twitter

To the 15 year old girl on Twitter

A Story by Amelia Lunar

So you think you're in love with the guy that you started dating "12/14/14-forever"? Well, coming from a girl who met her boyfriend when she was 15 a..
Not a Lesbian, Just a Lover

Not a Lesbian, Just a Lover

A Story by Amelia Lunar

I loved listening to Ed Sheeran, I didn't know why, was it the way his voice sounded when he wrote beautiful lyrics about love? Was it the way each ..
My Lottery Wish

My Lottery Wish

A Story by Amelia Lunar

Well I used to love writing and over the years have stopped completely so I decided to stick my toes in the water gradually and not write something I ..