I'm a pretty busy lady, but as you only get one life you need to do what you can in the time you have. I'm a mother of two wonderful children who make life never dull, 3 cats who make life snuggle, two fish which constantly make me want to wee from the never ending dribble noise of their tank and a husband who makes me smile.
I work part time as a teacher and amongst the other 80000000 jobs I seem to have I try to write. Writing has never been easy as I have a crazy little mind with dyslexic tendencies but never to turn away from a challenge.
I have written my first novel and I am now on the hard bit, the editing!!!!! AGGGG. I also do other little pieces just to try and improve my skills. I have learned a lot since I started writing 2 years ago, but I have along way to go. Hopefully some of you will enjoy my writing and join me for the ride.