Coming to you live from Center City this is Alonzo Jacobs. The scene is fairly calm now, emergency response teams have closed off the blocks surroundi..
“Barty, Barty, Wake up baby, you’re cutting off my circulation...
You blinked and were back in your bed, Oreo lying curled forelimbs twisted over onto his back...
The morning air burned your eyes...
“So you blew up MAGS Six and Seven, what’s the big deal?” Richard
“I don’t know, shooting a movie like that just seems to only work for really kitschy films...
“After this it’s not going to be much longer. We start in here, we hit 10, by that time we just start looting the facilities, and somebody..
These are the spectators that we’re watching, <<engines at 65% three engines running normally... three good ABUs, velocity at 2257 feet pe..
The globes hadn’t graced the sky in months, the magnetic field keeping them tethered disintegrated, they drifted like helium balloons out of sig..
Barty Ashby is not a boy. The contents of this book are explicit. It contains graphic violence, graphic sex, vulgarity, suicide, drug use, murder, con..