Charley Dominic : Writing

Here Again

Here Again

A Poem by Charley Dominic

So it look's like I'm here again, Just a tear in the pouring rain, And it seems that everything's old, Apparantly made from the same mould, So i..
I just wanna Run

I just wanna Run

A Poem by Charley Dominic

I just wanna Run, Kick up sand, Under a foreign sun, Just Run, in a different land, I just wanna feel Free, Feel the cold wind, Blowing in fr..
The Begining.

The Begining.

A Chapter by Charley Dominic

I was mad. I had to be. Nobody, ab-sol-ute-ly, nobody with a sane mind, signed themselves up for the Lordaire Ocean Race. It’s regarded as t..
Marks of Abstraction

Marks of Abstraction

A Poem by Charley Dominic

In the broken reflection the sea provides, Influenced by the stronger summer sun, Is the image of a grim visaged boy, Waiting for the five minute r..
Half Sleep

Half Sleep

A Poem by Charley Dominic

Rising from the eternal boggle that is sleep, Rubbing the crusted drowsiness from my eyes, I see a split second imprint of a face upon the wall, Sc..
Secondary Imaginings

Secondary Imaginings

A Poem by Charley Dominic

Secondary imaginings lead to no-where, A greater purpose of forgetfulness, Whilst a fervent search for sanity, Reaches its anti-dramatic climax, A..
Is This All There Is?

Is This All There Is?

A Poem by Charley Dominic

Some days when I lie awake at night, Ignoring the grey fading's of the light, I curl myself up into a tight ball, Stare blankly at the ingrained wa..
Dancing Fears

Dancing Fears

A Poem by Charley Dominic

Walking past the midnight pools, Passing the other paranoid fools, Fingers a-twitching to no tune, Head lowered to the typhoon, That nobody else c..
Manic Shapes

Manic Shapes

A Poem by Charley Dominic

Lying in bed, Peripherally blind, 3am, and its silent still, No rest for my doubting mind, Orange glowing around the 'sill, Broken by the midnight..
Teenage Politics

Teenage Politics

A Poem by Charley Dominic

First of all the b******s is Brown, (Most likely the commons biggest clown) Wobbling jowls and a steady "ummm" Provides Cameron with a lo..

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