Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm : Writing

Everything I Forget

Everything I Forget

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Until I wish I could dip my fingers into the places where your teeth bit into my heart once again.
I Wake the Beast

I Wake the Beast

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

When I want to hear you say I am beautiful wipe away the tears I cry............
Song of the Alkonost - Sailing on Troubled Seas

Song of the Alkonost - Sailing on Troubled Seas

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

The Alkonost have the ability to sing so beautifully that all who hear forget everything else and pause to listen to the music. Entire wars have come ..
I Love - Falling Without Expectations

I Love - Falling Without Expectations

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

I love how you roll into the air as a whispered voice,
That Which Moves Above Your Broken Wings

That Which Moves Above Your Broken Wings

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Declare that I have something the world loves to place in glass windows forever to be considered as part of their past.
In the Shadows of Wanting More

In the Shadows of Wanting More

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

A path to evening drops into life like a maze full of sin.
Midnight Leaps Into a Different Glory

Midnight Leaps Into a Different Glory

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Midnight leaps into a different glory, can you see the silence masking the world as it changes?
Until Honesty Went Down On Its Knees

Until Honesty Went Down On Its Knees

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Bound inside a myriad of righteousness we tried a million times............
No Longer Fit to Drink From My Cup

No Longer Fit to Drink From My Cup

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

I make headway over the side of dominion ruling the air of darkness where fairness becomes one among the living.
On the Air of Eternity

On the Air of Eternity

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

I hold your words on the air of eternity and pray they always tell me you will hold me whenever I am looking for all I need to find..........