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Ocean Breezes

Ocean Breezes

A Poem by Celeb

Free Free

A Poem by Celeb

Dark Rider Dark Rider

A Poem by Celeb

Soul Bandit Soul Bandit

A Poem by Celeb

Rain Rain

A Poem by Celeb

Tell Me... Tell Me...

A Poem by Celeb

Burn Burn

A Poem by Celeb

As Long As Long

A Poem by Celeb

Lost Love Lost Love

A Poem by Celeb

About Me

Hello! I am 22 and I have been writing for the past going on 10 years. It is mostly poetry and some short/unfinished stories. Some of my writings have been posted on different websites, but I want to move on to a new chapter in my writing career, so I am in the process of taking them off of the other site and moving them to here. I love to read and will comment when I have time.

Most of my writings are inspired from different people and occurrences that happens. Sometimes even certain songs move me to write. And the genera of music that moves me to write the most is metal, mostly the kind that tells a story and that isn't senseless screaming.