Cea Elyse

Cea Elyse


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Reynoldsburg, OH
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About Me

my name is cea elyse - cea being my nickname and elyse being my middle name. i have a problem with giving out my real name online, but it's been used so often that most of my friends call me 'cea elyse' in person. i suppose that means you could consider yourself a dear friend of mine after using it, if you'd like.

if you haven't noticed, when i type online i generally don't use capital letters. i do in my pieces, of course, but for the past couple years for some reason unknown to me, i don't like the way capital letters look typed. when i write on paper, i can generally make all of my letters the same size - online, that's not the case. so, i'm apologizing beforehand if you're bothered by it. i assure you, i try to keep the rest of my grammar and usage up to par.

i'm 17 years old and live in central ohio; reynoldsburg, to be exact. i attend a catholic school, although i'm an outspoken liberal - prochoice, pro-gay marriage and all. i love to read and write (obviously on the latter), and i love psychology. i also love to run - i'm apart of my high school's cross country team. i will be a senior this year, graduating in '08, and although i'm excited about moving on to college, i'm terrified of leaving what's familiar to me - so terrified, in fact, that i've decided the only way to cope is to simply go to a college far away from where i'm currently living. just get it over with, eh? start over completely.

i've had my heart broken a couple times. i'm the kind of person that has learned to paint on a smile and cope on the inside. not many people know when i'm unhappy - unless if they read what i write.

i suppose that's enough about me. do tell me about yourself.


[ i have an AIM screen name. just ask for it. :) ]


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Posted 16 Years Ago

still breathing.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I know >.<
I haven't written anything in forever! >.>
When something comes to me I never have a pen and paper to write it down and when I do it's all gone... O-o

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Where'd you get your layout from? I tried to make mine but writerscafe won't let it show >.<

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review yeah ti's tuff btu I'm tuffer I'll be ok :)
Also, I'm sitting in the new house as I type this. It's sucks.
I drove past your school, also.

hey I'm looking at colleges and didn't you say you wanted to go to Boston University or Boston College?
I'm thinking about applying to NYU (when the time comes, I like to be prepared lol)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh yeah, in the poem Everyday Hurt expected shouls be expected not accepted but either would work.

and I have a problem with always pressing the space bar when it comes to writing myself. I need to stop that nervouse habit >.<

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Sounds like a date. ^^

XP I know haha I have fun, reading the reviews and thinking of you twitching

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Kind of muffins. Hmmmmmm not sure. I have this chocolate muffin mix sitting in the kitchen waiting to be used but I think I'm going to make that for my friend on her b-day. Hmmm not sure.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I love reading your reviews XP
I can always look forward to you finding everything thats wrong with a piece.
Honestly though I am thankful for it ^^ I'd rather hear my grammar ia effe up from a friend than a teacher or something. haha
anywho thanx again.
I am trying to improve for my love, Cea! Maybe I should read over my poems before I post them and then I can say, "HA! in your face Cea!"
I shall wait patiently for that day.

Tyka <3
oh yeah, I'm moving next friday >.<

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Sounds aweshum. I would kill for some muffins right about now.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Cea,

Thanks for your review of my Manifesto of Adversity. Please, if you find errors, don't hold back the big guns!!! LOL Sorry had to push your pet peeve button :) Seriously, please let me know what you found in the piece that you feel is grammatically incorrect.

Faerie Blessings!