There is a place where my heart always finds rest,where the sky and earth meet in beauty.With quiet streams, and undiscovered forestmy mind can wander..
Bound by silenceshe cries alone in the darkThese words, and these feelings are begging to get out.Tape over her mouth, that no one can seethere is a s..
In another world I wonder if you would be so far away.If you would be in the same place,or here with me to see my face.From day to day, to never again..
for most special people in my heart
If I could say this all to you,Id say it with my heart.With tears on my face,and sadness in my heart, Id let you know this was hard.Id tell you how, I..
just some things in my heart
written for A Touch of Insanity:) - in response to Murders - something happier to read.
I miss you so much that I feel like I cant breathe
Your voice alone is like air to me
Your touch is oxygen for my skin
Your lips are water that flo..
Part of this came to me, and I just kind of went from there. It turns kind of dark near the end.. but I think that it fits.