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Forest Lake, MN
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About Me

I have recently begun writing the past few years after many years of not writing at all. I have too many things I like to do, and then of course there the daily mundane requirements of managing a life. I love to write, and there are always ideas buzzing around in my head. Whether or not they are good ideas, that is the thing! Although Butterflies Rising is a novella that I reallly intend to re-write and develop into an actual novel, there is another idea that is simmering on a back burner as well. I write poetry for the sheer joy of it, plus it's not time consuming which also really appeals to me!
I live in Minnesota with a nice husband of many years (see 20th anniversary poem) and a dog named Daisy who I fear is not only gay but antisocial, but she's really nice around us. I also have a soon to be 28 year old daughter and three grandchildren who are the cutest kids to ever walk in shoes, (a saying of my father's) if I say so myself.
For my day job, I am the Labor and Employee Relations field, and travel a bit to give presentations to groups of managers on various LR/ER topics to assist them in managing their workforce.
Other hobbies include oil painting and photography.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Erotica Comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey! Hows you keeping?

Send me some read requests! I have about 1/2 hour online in the evening, so I'm hoping I can start to catch up with everybody. I got so behind and I feel pretty rubbish about not getting round to your page as often as I'd like. But sending me a request will be a bit of a kick up the arse.

D :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'll review your poem in the morning-its getting late (9:30 is late to me!) and I need some sleep!

Have a wicked evening! (or afternoon, whatever the time is there!)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you Cat, for the lovely review! :) Have a great three day wknd! I'll be back soon to try and catch up on some reading .... :-D

Thanks again my friend,

Peace, Dani

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello, thank you for commenting on my poem. Hehe, and for your kind words. :)
It is sad to move, but i'm happy now in my new home. =) Thanks again.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Last time we had an earthquake here it woke me up. Got really annoyed cuz it knocked a picture frame off the wall and broke it. Still, not as bad as the twisters we get through here. Goodbye roof!

We're all ok, I'm just schlumping around the net, doing my thing, what ever the hell that is. Annoying someone here, annoying someone there, makes the hours pass faster. I'm off to Scotland in just over a week to see family. Not looking forward to the travelling, though. 8 hours on a train. Woo.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yay! You're back!! *boogies*

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey thanks for the review. Your writing is awesome.
Keep it up.
Much Love,

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the review on "Until Today, Anyway." I'm thinking of expanding Sydney and Eli's story into a novella.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, thanks for the review!!

I'm still trying to think up an indian nickname for my son... so far all I can think of is Fuzzy Munchkin...