Legendary Catfoot : Writing

The Used Car Dealership

The Used Car Dealership

A Story by Legendary Catfoot

A short story about a stegosaurus display who has an argument with a car dealer.


A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Prologue It was a large room, the top room which through red transparent glass, one could look out upon an entire city. Perhaps even the begi..
Oilcloth Covered Hill

Oilcloth Covered Hill

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 1 Oilcloth Covered Hill Just beyond the vast city, there was a hilly area predominantly consisting of hills and landforms that ver..
The Great Citywide Raffle

The Great Citywide Raffle

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 2 The Great Citywide Raffle After the official’s lengthy stay it became very apparent that he was going to be burdened with in..
The Official's Favorite Meal

The Official\'s Favorite Meal

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 3 The Official’s Favorite Meal 20 years ago… The blue reptilian business worker sat comfortably in a booth at his fa..
A Sophisticated Green Derby

A Sophisticated Green Derby

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 4 A Sophisticated Green Derby The official was becoming more insecure as time went on. Paranoia began to consume his very existence...
Meeting of Various Officials

Meeting of Various Officials

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 5 Meeting of Various Officials The official sat in his office, sending out his thank you cards sent to him as an invitation from the..
Unorthodox Methods

Unorthodox Methods

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 6 Unorthodox Methods “This is just getting ridiculous.” the official thought as he lay in his hospital bed once again. ..
An Exspensive Serenade

An Exspensive Serenade

A Chapter by Legendary Catfoot

Chapter 7 An Expensive Serenade After many embarrassing and outlandish public gaffes, the official became the object of ridicule. Nary would..

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