Cassie52993 : Writing

This Is No Fairytale, Its Called Reality {Not How You Pictured It}

This Is No Fairytale, Its Called Reality {Not How ..

A Book by Cassie52993

This is about a teenage girl in high school. She went to a party her father had said she could not attend, she snuck out with her male friend, Steven,..
Drained for Eternity

Drained for Eternity

A Book by Cassie52993

There are three different scenes for this: 1 Samantha Ryans 2 Lucian and group 3 Marcelo and others
::Last Week of School, New Neighbors::

::Last Week of School, New Neighbors::

A Chapter by Cassie52993

/.:DrAiNeD fOr EtErNiTy:. Chapter One: ::last week of school, new neighbors:: I pushed the 'snooze' button on my alarm clock wanting mor..


A Chapter by Cassie52993

This chapter introduces other characters in the book. They take place in a whole different place, no where near Samantha.

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