Carrie Manor : Writing

Rain upon my Glass

Rain upon my Glass

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Rain, pelting gently upon the pane’s glass. Ah! Alas! Where hast thy travels brought you? Why does thou come hither? Run thyself upon my wi..
Yet and Only Mellow

Yet and Only Mellow

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Is it just I? Or do I perceive a blue sky? Justly mellow, calm in tranquil. Why! The wind greets me in a bow! I cannot frown. Neither refrain fr..
My Mistress Spring

My Mistress Spring

A Poem by Carrie Manor

At last! now thou hast come, and thee, surely, hadn’t made haste? And where hast, my lovely butterfly, stayed Monsieur the bear? Old man wi..
Illumined by Candle Light: a narrative of Beethoven and his nephew Karl

Illumined by Candle Light: a narrative of Beethove..

A Story by Carrie Manor

1815, the year that began two decades of stress, sorrow, and hopelessness for one of the most beloved composers of the classical era in music; Ludwig..
My Lovely White Swan

My Lovely White Swan

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Lovely white swan, black opal beak, orange, sun kissed, charming beak. Lovely swan, why not thee come swim my way? While the glint in your dre..
Our Lady of Allegory

Our Lady of Allegory

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Our Lady de Allegory: whom doth paint pictures pretty for whose tears we loathe, who bring solemn pity. Twas said she hath dwelt quite near a cove..
( The Conscious )

( The Conscious )

A Poem by Carrie Manor

A quote
The Righteous Night

The Righteous Night

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Let the darkness of night raise! Let it be known to man, that night and day have but one sovereign; the sovereign of good! the king of righteo..
Fall Death

Fall Death

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Upon a crisp fall day, whence the sky casted somber and grey. I teetered through an un-treaded path. Crunching leaves, solitarily I walked alone. ..
Despair of Tchaikovsky

Despair of Tchaikovsky

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Trickling down the window pane, gentle, sweet inspiration... vapored away, slipping through my hand. Renounced all in despair. Drop, by drop. Un..