Carrie Manor : Writing

Daydream by the Sea

Daydream by the Sea

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Who can say? What if true love does exist in the medial of her bosom? Is this smile, she feels crawling across her visage just a folly, whence s..
Wanting of Love, or a Prayer to the Moon

Wanting of Love, or a Prayer to the Moon

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Ah, moonlight. Thine gentle, lingering charism. How it drifts, and lingers upon the air. How it enchants my eyes. Thy mesmeric rhythm. What light..
A Hand Outreached

A Hand Outreached

A Poem by Carrie Manor

a quote :)
Dusk's Final Triumph; the Coming of Night

Dusk's Final Triumph; the Coming of Night

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Night Shadows do so often take, afternoon promenade amongst the byroad of the idle abbey. Passive, dim, mindless men. See no presage. Innoc..
What know I ?

What know I ?

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Angels cloak those in anguish, those who weep forsaken tears. The masses that made, those that man never forgave. Sometimes I find myself an idle..
Chapter 1.  Charles and Robert Williams

Chapter 1. Charles and Robert Williams

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

excerpt: "Aren’t we capable of loving ourselves for the first time to the fullest extent?? Ah! Perhaps it is not so easy as the author proclaims..
Chapter 2: The Rose

Chapter 2: The Rose

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

excerpt: She prayed, and begged to her Papa that she might have an earthly father, but as she grew older, the prospect of ever finding a real dad grew..
 Chapter 3: The Flower from which came the Rose

Chapter 3: The Flower from which came the Rose

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

excerpt: " Ann: “ wasn’t suppose to be born.” Also she: “ was suppose to be a boy.” She was never loved by her Mother...
Chapter 4: A stroll in the Garden

Chapter 4: A stroll in the Garden

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

excerpt: " ( When mother nature is drawing close to another chapter in her book of seasons she likes to finish them hastily.)"
Chapter 5:  A Wilting Rose

Chapter 5: A Wilting Rose

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

Rose would tell herself: “ You are almost eighteen, it’s to late to look for a Dad.” “ Your almost an adult, grow-up and get ..