Carrie Manor : Writing

 The Angels Ballad for Fantine

The Angels Ballad for Fantine

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Alas! Young angel, hath thou broken thy wings? Thy art the welting flower so young and pretty. Lay thou haplessly? Upon the harden, barren soil. ..


A Poem by Carrie Manor

A poem about an egotistical person
The Angels Ballad for Jean

The Angels Ballad for Jean

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Why are you staying? God’s beloved soul, hear! Can’t you hear? The cry of the angels calling for you? Lead we, you toward the light, ..
Oh Gallant Shepherd Part I.

Oh Gallant Shepherd Part I.

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Oh! Gallant Shepherd! 1700’s Twas once a gallant shepherd, whom cared for sheep from valleys, and yonder way. From evening to morning when..
Oh Gallant Shepherd Part 2.

Oh Gallant Shepherd Part 2.

A Poem by Carrie Manor

It was in spring, when shepherd aspired to put fresh roses in his new wife’s hair. And she laughed, and pulled his arm away, all was quite eno..
Oh Gallant Shepherd Part 3 ( Afterword)

Oh Gallant Shepherd Part 3 ( Afterword)

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Look upon this rose, and this.. But the shepherdess saw nothing, but it was only a second, not nearly a minute, she saw her winsome lover, and as..
Ode to a Merry-Go-Round

Ode to a Merry-Go-Round

A Poem by Carrie Manor

Around, and round the Merry-Go-Round, with sparkling, wandering eyes. Every horse, and animal, truthfully can see, the enchantment, excitement, and..
The butterfly with painted wings

The butterfly with painted wings

A Poem by Carrie Manor

A wrote a little phrase, and tied it neatly with a string. Sometimes I fear, that inspiration might not be to near. The little scroll butterfly, ..
La Gentil Pere ( The Kindly Father) Part 2 of 2

La Gentil Pere ( The Kindly Father) Part 2 of 2

A Poem by Carrie Manor

The conclusion of my poem La Gentil Pere