Carrie Manor

Carrie Manor


We say consumerism like it's a good thing

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About Me

Bonjour! My name is Carrie Manor. Believe it or not but I’m eighteen years old. I’m not to particular fond of computers or the internet, but I enjoy this opportunity to share my writing and read the works of others. I love colonial and pre revolutionary American history, and I like to study the french revolution, the american revolution and the regency era. I love art, especially paintings. Love to paint a little myself. I am on an everlasting quest to obtain as much wisdom as I can.
My dream is to study history, and work in a museum. I think it would be awesome someday to become an antique picker and get to travel the country treasure hunting. Maybe someday I’ll open my own antique store. I also haven’t forgotten my other dream. To: someday to open 5 houses with in the same proximities in one property. I want the outcasted, the under educated the illiterate the starving, be there any. Those who wanted to turn a new page in their life. I would pay everything for them, they wouldn’t have to worry, they shall find employment, then move on with their lives. Or they might enroll in a small college to learn a trade. Rather farfetched, is it not? Stranger things have happened.
I guess one might say, my idol is Jean Valjean, or more Monsieur Madeleine.
My favorite books, in order as follows: Les Miserables: Victor Hugo, Daddy’s Girl: Mrs. L.T Meade, Blindfolded: Earle Ashley Walcott, Bedknob and Broomstick: Mary Norton, The Maltese Falcon ( I cannot recall the authors name), Castle Craneycrow: George Barr Mc Cutchen. Sense and Sensibility: Jane Austin.
As Im getting older, I guess Im getting a little wiser. I’m slowly beginning to broaden my horizons. I never liked modern music too much , and even writing modern sounding works myself. Well, Im giving it a chance, and “ I feel young again!” :-)

“ I’m both a writer and an intellect. Someday I will hold the quill in my hand, and I will wear Voltaire’s robes. “


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Check out new friend, mikkiblueyes!!