I looked at the clock, 12:45pm . My lunch had been placed in front of me 15 minutes ago. I studied the mixture of colours, red, yellow, white and brow..
ow are you today?” Karli asked me, It had been a couple days since the incident. A lot had happened since then, I had discovered..
stared at the clock hypnotised by the ticking it produced. Only 5 more minutes until the nurse brought in my dinner. I had been gaining w..
held the biscuit in my left hand and a cup of milk in the other one. My phone flashed the time at my eyes, 9:20, they had come early with..
A story of a 15 year old girl's battle with anorexia
Written from a 12 year old girl's point of view during World War II. Set in Russia
Annie's little sister, who is 6-7 years old.
I want a guy that holds me close,
I want a guy that whispers I love you,
I want a guy that says to his friends when I walk past "That's her!&qu..